Tortik Annushka
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Moscow-based bakery Tortik Annushka continues to create avant-garde cakes inspired by fine art.
Owners and siblings Madina Yavorskaya and Rustam Kungurov founded the pastry shop in 2009 as a way to merge their interests in fine arts and architecture with artisanal confectionaries.
From geometric shapes to metallic embellishments, each of their fabulous cakes looks as though it belongs in a museum. “Together we present not only beautiful but also delicious masterpieces,” Tortik Annushka says.
Their team of trained pastry chefs uses high-quality natural ingredients to ensure that their delectable cakes continue to amaze once they've been cut apart.
While some of their sumptuous creations resemble abstract architecture, others look like beaded sculptures or even modern paintings. Tortik Annushka uses a variety of tools and technologies to produce these amazing effects.